A slight divergence from the original project plan has been made. The program will no longer play audio itself, but merely take MIDI as input, and provide MIDI as output.

I did have some success in playing audio from a MIDI file, using the overtone package, and I would like to share the associated code in this post. Sadly, overtone will not play a part in my final project.

In my core namespace, I parse a MIDI file using overtone.midi.file/midi-file. This constructs a hash map containing several things, one of which is :tracks, which maps to several hash maps, representing tracks in the file. Each of those tracks contains :events, which maps to a sequence of the events which occur on that track. I construct a lazy sequence of these events, which are preprocessed by a function I wrote called parse-midi-events. Then I play each of these event sequences in parallel, by mapping a function I call play-midi over the events. The following code snippet demonstrates this.

(let [midi (midi-file (:input options))
      events (map (comp parse-midi-events :events) (:tracks midi))
      start-time (+ (now) 1000)]
    (pmap #(play-midi %
                      (:division options))

The two functions I defined, parse-midi-events and play-midi, reside in the namespace hidden-markov-music.midi. time-elapsed and parse-midi-events will continue to exist in some form, but play-midi will not. Please note that some important information from the MIDI file, pertaining to key and timing, are lost in parse-midi-events. An attempt is made to alleviate this by introducing a division parameter to play-midi, which scales the timing.

(ns hidden-markov-music.midi
  (:require [overtone.live       :refer [at]]
            [overtone.music.time :refer [apply-by now]]))

(defn play-midi
  "Plays a sequence of midi events using the given instrument."
  ([midi-seq inst]
     (play-midi midi-seq inst (now)))
  ([midi-seq inst start-time]
     (play-midi midi-seq inst start-time 1))
  ([midi-seq inst start-time division]
     (when (seq midi-seq)
       (let [{:keys [duration note timestamp velocity]} (first midi-seq)
             midi-seq-rest (next midi-seq)
             next-event (first midi-seq-rest)
             next-timestamp (:timestamp next-event)]

         (at (+ start-time (* timestamp division))
             (inst :note note :velocity velocity
                   :sustain (* duration division)))

         (apply-by (+ start-time (* next-timestamp division))
                   #'play-midi midi-seq-rest inst start-time division [])))))

(defn- time-elapsed
  [next-event prev-event]
  (- (:timestamp next-event)
     (:timestamp prev-event)))

(defn parse-midi-events
  "Extracts the useful information from a sequence of midi events. Combines
  note-on/note-off events into a single event, which plays the note for the
  duration of time between the two events."
  (loop [events        events
         active-events {}
         notes         []]
    (if (seq events)
      (let [next-event (first events)]
        (if-let [prev-event (active-events (:channel next-event))]
          (case (:command next-event)
            ;; terminate active note on channel
            (let [duration (time-elapsed next-event
                  note (-> prev-event
                           (assoc :duration duration)
                           (dissoc :command :status :msg))]
              ;; append new note to notes,
              ;; remove the active event which has just been terminated,
              ;; and recur on the remaining events
              (recur (next events)
                     (dissoc active-events (:channel note))
                     (conj notes note)))

            ;; terminate active event on channel and activate current event
            (let [duration (time-elapsed next-event
                  note (-> prev-event
                           (assoc :duration duration)
                           (dissoc :command :status :msg))]
              ;; append new note to notes,
              ;; replace the active event which has just been terminated, with
              ;; the new event,
              ;; and recur on the remaining events
              (recur (next events)
                     (assoc active-events
                       (:channel note)
                     (conj notes note)))

            ;; event is neither :note-on or :note-off, so we discard it
            (recur (next events)
          (if (= :note-on (:command next-event))
            ;; add current event as the new active event,
            ;; and recur on the remaining events
            (recur (next events)
                   (assoc active-events
                     (:channel next-event)
            ;; event is not :note-on, and channel is not currently in :note-on
            ;; state, so we discard the current event
            (recur (next events)
      ;; all events processed, return notes